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Muntadas: About Academia

About Academia is the latest project by renowned international artist Antoni Muntadas, who is the subject of a major retrospective this fall at the Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid. About Academia is an inquiry into the problematic relations between the production of knowledge and economic power in our universities. Over the course of three years, […]

A Legacy Continued: New Acquisitions from the Stéphane Janssen & R. Michael Johns Collection

In 2004 the ASU Art Museum announced that it would be the recipient of over 600 works of contemporary ceramics from Arizona resident and Belgian native St éphane Janssen, considered one of the world's leading collectors of contemporary art. This exhibition will highlight a grouping of 80 works given in 2010, including master works by […]

Collecting Contemporary Art: The FUNd at ASU Art Museum

Collecting Contemporary Art features a selection of works acquired in part or in whole by the FUNd at ASU Art Museum, an endowment established by the Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation. From monumental found-object installations to print portfolios of etchings and lithographs, the international pieces share a current of experimentation and an exploration of social and […]

Self-Referential: Art Looking at Art

Artists often address the world of art – its traditions, histories and economies – in their own work. This self-reflective strategy provides grounds for sharp critique as well as for playful conversations as artists riff off one another.

By Myself and With My Friends

In By myself and with my friends . . . six artists explore the complexities of human nature by looking at some of the things we have in common with animals, from our herd mentality to our moments of solace. Featuring videos by Krista Birnbaum, Donna Conlon, Rivane Neuenschwander, Corinna Schnitt and Connie Samaras.

Dulce: Bisque Without Borders

San Antonio-based artist Franco Mondini-Ruiz, winner of the Rome Prize and featured in the 2000 Whitney Biennial, mines the ASU Art Museum's ceramics collection, bringing together both favorite gems and objects that have been in storage for decades to create Dulce: Bisque Without Borders. Also included in this three-part project is Limpia: Revisiting the Collection, […]

Just Animals

The word animal evokes many impressions: everything from friendly pets, like dogs and cats, to wild creatures like bears and elephants. The word brings to mind images (fur, eyes, tails), sounds (purr, bark) and events (family zoo trip, pet adoption center visit). We all have memories that make recognizing animals in art easy. But sometimes […]

100 Museums: Paintings of Buildings That Have Paintings Inside

Rico Solinas' decision to use metal saw blades as the canvas for his portraits of art museums is the artist's tribute to the American work ethic. Thirteen years in the making and featuring buildings from the Louvre to the Hermitage to ASU's own art museum, this exhibition reflects Solinas' belief that an artist should never […]

Juan Downey: The Invisible Architect

Juan Downey: The Invisible Architect is the first U.S. museum survey of the work of Chilean artist Juan Downey (1940-1993), an unsung video-art pioneer whose career Artforum magazine calls "brilliant and idiosyncratic." Working in a variety of media, Downey anticipates our current interest in urbanism, post-colonial theory and locality in contemporary art. He explores the […]

Securing a free state: The Second Amendment Project – Jennifer Nelson, Social Studies 7

Securing a free state: The Second Amendment Project explores the dance between individual and collective rights as they relate to the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In this project, artist Jennifer Nelson focused on the personal motivations and dignity of citizens on both sides of the debate by exploring how people find security, individually […]

Miracle Report: Julianne Swartz and Ken Landauer, Social Studies 8

Julianne Swartz and Ken Landauer spent their Social Studies residency at the ASU Art Museum looking for miracles. The artists explored the miraculous through people's perceptions of it in their lives, interviewing students, school children and community members of all ages and backgrounds. They combined their findings in an installation of fleeting vignettes playing on […]