Featuring the work of Jason Lee Starin, Joseph Kamm, Cheyenne Rudolph, Man Yau, Sam Brennan, Thomas Schmidt, Jeffrey Miller, Eva Vogelsang, Roberto Lugo, Forrest Sincoff Gard and Ben Harle.
This exhibition showcases the work of 11 young artists who effortlessly integrate video into their studio practice. Some artists use cameras to document their work being used (or abused). Others use video to document a process that is perhaps more important to them than finished, fired objects. All of these pieces have a life of their own on the Internet, where they can be shared in ways that physical objects cannot.
The artists represented in this exhibition are well aware of video pioneers like Bruce Nauman, who was a student of ceramic artist Robert Arneson, and Nam Jun Paik, but most wear the mantle lightly, using video as one more tool in their arsenal. Thrill to the sheer diversity of approaches on view – from persona to process, and from the politics of consumption to surprising ways that clay can behave (or misbehave).
Recorded Matter is the first exhibition curated by the ASU Art Museum Ceramics Research Center’s new curator, Garth Johnson, who has spent his career documenting artists who combine craft media, performance and transgressive impulses. The exhibition is supported by the Centering on the Future campaign contributors and members of the ASU Art Museum Ceramics Research Center.
If you would like to bring your class or group to see an exhibition or collection, and/or meet with a curator, please contact Andrea Feller, Curator of Education at andrea.feller@asu.edu .
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