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Apr 1, 2000 at 12 a.m.
May 20, 2000 at 12 a.m.
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Phoenix has rapidly developed from a desert landscape of saguaro, buttes and roaming wildlife to its current cityscape of over three million people. Desktop video artist Sloane McFarland superimposes an Homeric tale on this melding of desert land and optic-linked people: Odysseus’ encounter with the Phaeacian people. PHACAEANS , a desktop video/laptop installation, assumes the perspective of one living from and through a desert metropolis; one who – using calculus and memory – recognizes that surroundings constantly transmute.

About the Artist

Sloane McFarland currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona, where he is a desktop video/installation artist, making videos with a consumer-available camera and computer. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Mathematics from St. John’s College of Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1995.

His recent projects include: Spine , a desktop video/sound installation as the inaugural exhibition of Jennifer Katell’s Guard Shack space at Bergamont Station, Santa Monica, California; T-West , a desktop video/performance/installation at Barlow & Straker, Phoenix, Arizona; and NAUSAKKAA , a desktop video/laptop installation for the one-hundred artist exhibition The Spurgeon Experience , Santa Ana, California, curated by Mike McGee and Max Presneill.

ASU Art Museum Presentation

Organized by John D. Spiak, PHACAEANS will be installed in the 2,400-square-foot Experimental Gallery of the Arizona State University Art Museum at Matthews Center. The installation will include more than two dozen desktop videos presented on laptop computers, heard on wireless headsets.


PHACAEANS (April 1 – May 20, 2000) is open from 10 am to 5 pm, Tuesday through Saturday.


The exhibition at the Arizona State University Art Museum is supported in part by Friends of the Arizona State University Art Museum.

Suggested Reading

The Odyssey by Homer
Book VI through XIII

translated by Samuel Butler available on The Internet Classics Archive

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