“Particle and Wave” is a groundbreaking exhibition of 45 works created by international artists who incorporate paper pulp and organic fibers into their clay bodies, with the result of increased strength and lighter weight. The exhibition showcases a wide range of visual forms, which would not be possible with traditional methods, as the artists utilize this technique to express contemporary social and cultural ideas.
“Particle and Wave: PaperClay Illuminated” is organized by Lorie Nelson, the exhibition director and founder of The International Paper Clay Exhibition Project, and curated by Peter Held. The ASU Art Museum presentation is supported by the Windgate Charitable Foundation as part of the Windgate Contemporary Craft Initiative. Visit the museum website for directions and hours and information about bringing classes to tour exhibitions or meet with curators.
Image credit: Mette Maya Gregersen, “Stalactities & Stalagmites,” 2018, Paper clay, 21 x 13 x 8 inches, 13.8 x 13.8 x 8.25 inches, Courtesy of the artist and The International Paper Clay Exhibition.
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