Renie Breskin Adams takes an unconventional, colorful and whimsical approach to the historic and domestic art of needlepoint. Her “samplers” depict herself, her family, friends and pets mingling with creatures from her imagination. Beneath the humor lies thoughtful commentary about art, her chosen medium and her role as an artist.
Lecture by the artist, Friday, July 10, 7:30 pm, ASU Art Museum
Workshop with the artist: Crocheting, Embroidery and Critiquing
Saturday and Sunday, July 11 and 12.
Fee: $65.
Sponsored by Arizona Designer Craftsmen and Mesa Art Center.
Call Joan Dulla at 963-2965 for registration information.
Look for hands-on activities for visitors of all ages in the exhibition gallery!
Exhibition funded in part by Friends of the ASU Art Museum.
A reception for this exhibition will take place Friday, May 29th from 7-9 P.M.
The event will be a dual reception with the exhibition Martin Mull: 20/20.
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