Join this inaugural workshop series for older adults (55+) to work with storyteller Marilyn Omifunke Torres on how to explore and frame your own narrative, and create art reflecting your experiences with interdisciplinary artist Diana Calderón, whose work is currently on view at ASU Art Museum in A pattern, a trace, a portrait: Four Artists from CALA Alliance’s Residency Program.
This series focuses on storytelling and how objects, our surroundings, and pasts can inform art we create. Participants will walk away with pieces they construct that describe and retell a story of their own and an opportunity to celebrate and display their work at the end of the program.
May 16- June 8, 2023:
Tuesdays & Thursday 10am-12pm
Sign up here: Session 1: May 16-June 8
Registration closes Wednesday, May 18th at 5pm.
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