Special thanks to artists Sama Alshaibi, Merryn Omotayo Alaka, Andrew Erdos, Maria Hupfield, Yasue Maetake, Jayson Musson, Eric-Paul Riege, Curtis Talwst Santiago, and Sam Frésquez, with additional thanks to the exhibition’s community of practice, Joe Baker (Delaware), Bonn Baudelaire (Cocopah), and Sharah Nieto (Yucatec Maya).
Curated by Erin Joyce with support from Abby Sutton, ASU Art Museum Windgate Intern.
The Edward Jacobson Fund
Kevin and Alexis Cosca
Theresa M. Shoemaker
Christian and Allison Lester
Image credit: Eric-Paul Riege Diné, b. 1994; based in Gallup, New Mexico blankets have warmed us for a long time, why not keep making MORE. a blanket for a blanket. they get cold 2, 2021 mixed fibers. Image courtesy of Stars Gallery.