Opening reception
Friday, April 13, 7-9 p.m.
Joint reception with the exhibitions:
Connivences: Stefan de Jager / Stéphane Janssen
ASU Herberger College School Of Art Faculty: 2006-2007 Exhibition
Artist Talk
Friday, April 6, noon – 1 p.m.
Connectivity Stage 1 Interlab is an interactive, digital installation created in response to four masterworks from the permanent collection on display in the ASU Art Museum Americas Gallery: Alexander Calder’s Many Pierced Disks, 1950; Edward Hopper’s House by a Road, circa 1942; Hung Liu’s The Trophy, 2001; and John Frederick Peto’s The Rack, 1882. Visitors’ behavior on the installation “stage” affects the media responses they experience.
Artists in the Exhibition:
This innovative exhibition, designed by ASU Arts, Media and Engineering (AME) assistant professor David Birchfield, research assistants Aaron Cuthbertson , Sarah Hatton,Brandon Mechtley and Chris Todd, includes interactive video, 3-D graphics, audio and gesture components contributed by Phoenix Metropolitan Arts Institute high school students and their instructor, Aaron Abbott. Other contributors include ASU Art Museum Windgate Curatorial Intern Andrea Feller, AME faculty member Gang Qian and research assistant Huan Jin.
ASU Art Museum Presentation
Organized by ASU Art Museum Curator of Education Laura Stewart and Windgate Curatorial Intern Andrea Feller, Connectivity Stage 1 Interlabwill be installed in the Americas Gallery, ASU Art Museum’s Nelson Fine Arts Center at Arizona State University, Tempe.
Connectivity Stage 1 Interlab (April 14 – Sept. 29, 2007) is open at the ASU Art Museum: Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Connectivity Stage 1 Interlab was made possible in part through generous funding received from the Phoenix Youth and Education Commission’s “Focus on Results” youth grant, the Arizona Commission on the Arts, Arizona American Masterpieces, and the National Endowment for the Arts American Masterpieces Program.
More information: Laura Stewart,
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