The ASU Art Museum presents the Ant Farm Media Van v.08 [Time Capsule], 2008, by Chip Lord, Curtis Schreier and Bruce Tomb. (Lord and Schreier were partners in the legendary art and technology cooperative Ant Farm, active from 1968-1978.)
The Media Van is a repurposed 1972 Chevy with interior modifications including vintage Ant Farm videos, a conversation pit and a media HUQQUH. The HUQQUH will create a digital time capsule of images and music randomly donated by the public through the process of plugging in a personal digital device such as a camera, MP3 player or Smartphone.
The project revisits the 1970 Ant Farm Media Van and mixes it up with digital media culture, consumerism and popular culture. At the center of the Media Van v.08 is the social condition created by a small group of people sitting around shared media, and contributing to the making of a new artwork: the ASU Time Capsule Triptych. Also on view are remnants from the original Truckstop Tour, 1970, and a previous digital Time Capsule, the SFMOMA Time Capsule Triptych.
Ant Farm Media Van v.08 was commissioned by SFMOMA in 2008 and curated for the ASU Art Museum by Gordon Knox. The exhibition is supported by the Wilhelmine Prinzen Endowment, Peter Shikany and PS Studios, Inc., the ASU Art Museum Advisory Board, Kitchell-Perez, Mikki and Stanley Weithorn, and Friends of the ASU Art Museum.
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