Known for projects which ‘touch the earth lightly,” architect Glenn Murcutt begins his work with a keen observation of the natural conditions of each site. His distinctive residences and public buildings combine simple materials with elegant and refined forms and detailing. Yet they are primarily concerned with bringing the qualities of the surrounding world into the daily experience of the occupants. Murcutt was “designing sustainably” long before the term became fashionable. Since 1972, his practice has been based in Sydney, Australia, where he has developed a range of projects receiving international recognition, including the 2002 Pritzker Prize and the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal in 2009.
The exhibition of drawings, renderings, photographs and models will be installed through an innovative collaboration between the ASU Art Museum, The Design School and the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects. A graduate design studio working with faculty and curators will research, design, fabricate and install the exhibition to reflect the principles of Murcutt’s work. Their working process will be open to the public.
The exhibition was originated by TOTO and Gallery Ma in Tokyo, Japan, and is being traveled internationally by the Australian Architecture Foundation.
If you would like to bring your class or group to see an exhibition or collection, and/or meet with a curator, please contact Andrea Feller, Curator of Education at andrea.feller@asu.edu .
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